Gibbs Unringing
You can suppress Gibbs ringing at both ends of a discontinuity by replacing the discontinuity by an arbitrarily steep ramp, or better yet, an ogive. But it is a little surprising that you can suppress ringing completely at one end, and partially at the other, simply by interpolating a tiny step, not quite midway.
For example, take a square wave,
(c3) (fancy_display:false,plotnum:666,sum(sin(t*(2*n+1))/(2*n+1),n,0,inf)=(-1)^floor(t/%pi)*%pi/4)
==== floor(t/%pi)
\ sin((2 n + 1) t) %pi (- 1)
(d3) > ---------------- = ---------------------
/ 2 n + 1 4
n = 0
Approximate with eight Fourier terms:
(c5) args(apply_nouns(subst(7,inf,d3)))
sin(15 t) sin(13 t) sin(11 t) sin(9 t) sin(7 t)
(d5) [--------- + --------- + --------- + -------- + --------
15 13 11 9 7
sin(5 t) sin(3 t) %pi (- 1)
+ -------- + -------- + sin(t), ---------------------]
5 3 4
(c6) plot(''%,t,-4,4)$
This is the usual Gibbs ringing.
Now measure the heights of the first peak and trough:
(c9) makelist(''(d5[1]),t,[1,2]*%pi/16)
3 %pi 3 %pi %pi %pi
16 sin(-----) 16 cos(-----) 16 sin(---) 16 cos(---)
16 16 16 16
(d9) [------------- + ------------- + ----------- + -----------,
39 55 15 63
%pi %pi
304 sin(---) 784 cos(---)
8 8
------------ + ------------]
315 2145
Relative to pi/4,
(c10) dfloat(%-%pi/4)
(d10) [0.1415948237456d0, - 0.0783992335486d0]
(The first of these is NOT approaching pi-3, but rather sin_int(pi/2)-pi/4 = .14050.)
Use these to cancel the first peak against the first trough:
(c11) plot(''(%[1]*subst(t+%pi/16,t,d5)-%[2]*d5),t,-4,4)$
For higher than eight term approximations, the midstep will become proportionately narrower.
We can repeat this process to quash the "anticipatory" ringing:
(c12) twostep:d10.[subst(t+%pi/16,t,d5),-d5]$
(c13) dfloat([subst(7*%pi/8,t,%),subst(13*%pi/16,t,%)])
(d13) [[0.18668558284776d0, 0.17278292855722d0],
[0.166007303989d0, 0.17278292855722d0]]
(c14) apply('matrix,%).[1,-1;-1,1]
[ 0.01390265429054d0 - 0.01390265429054d0 ]
(d14) [ ]
[ - 0.00677562456822d0 0.00677562456822d0 ]
(c15) threestep:%[1,1]*subst(t-%pi/16,t,twostep)+%[2,2]*twostep$
(c24) plot(''(1000*threestep),t,-4,4)$
(c25) plot(''(1000*threestep),t,%pi/10,8*%pi/9)$
This is an almost 41-fold reduction in relative ringing amplitude.
For increasingly high order Fourier approximations, the constants determining the altitudes of the intermediate steps will approach simple rational functions of sin_int(pi) and sin_int(2pi), in view of the identity
(c23) 'limit(sum(sin((k+1/2)*x/(n+1))/(k+1/2),k,0,n),n,inf)=sin_int(x)
(k + -) x
n 2
==== sin(---------)
\ n + 1
(d23) limit > -------------- = sin_int(x)
n -> inf / 1
==== k + -
k = 0 2